Friday, October 06, 2006

Taiwan: Does it just need more Hi-Tech, or Something Else?

I wrote an article a few days ago on India, as that is a country that just intrigues me with the sheer number of very able people as compared with the extreme poverty and disorganization most of the country suffers from. It’s something that fully seems like an ideal candidate for Mr. Hubbard’s management technology, as detailed by Mr. David Miscavige in his This is Scientology presentation, or in his presentation at the grand opening of the Church of Scientology of Africa. It’s something that with a little application of basic organizational technology, and a few ideal Churches of Scientology in the area, an immense change in the scene could be effected.

However, change gears to a location like Kaohsiung in Taiwan, and you get a fully different scene than that in India. Taiwan is the product of a strong-willed, exceptionally productive people not wanting to live under communist rule, and as such living under constant suppression from threats of military action or the simple suppression that comes about through countries not even willing to recognize you as a sovereign state.

Despite this, however, you have a place like Kaohsiung, which is now the 3rd-largest seaport in the world, and has some of the tallest buildings and beautiful downtown areas of anywhere in Asia. So, what are they missing in terms of technology? In this case, I would be hard-pressed to say it has anything to do with their ability to build tall buildings or printed circuit boards.

I would submit that it’s instead things like the technology of overcoming suppression - which individuals in that country need just as much as the country as a whole. It’s things like the technology of dealing with a seemingly dangerous environment, and how to stay sane and causative in a world that the media makes seem dangerous. It’s also what inspired me to write this on Taiwan — the technology of how to stop drug abuse before it starts — education.

With items like that to help the individual, I would have to say Taiwan could be made a better place to live.

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